+-What is Australian Missile Corporation?

The AMC is a Special Purpose Vehicle which provides Strategic Advice to GWEO Group supporting the establishment of domestic GWEO manufacturing in Australia. In doing so we support development of strategies to overcome industrialisation challenges for the GWEO Group.

Sovereign capability is at the core of our business; hence we are constantly expanding our in-depth knowledge of Australian industry capabilities.

We have key capabilities in:

  • Domain Expertise as Munitions Specialists and Technical Expertise over a large number of Defence platforms and weapon acquisition projects.
  • A systems approach to GWEO integration and modelling.
  • Commercial acumen and industry access through our extensive Industry Partner network.

Our access to Industry experts allows for “on demand” early incorporation of Industry’s considerations across technical and commercial aspects.

+-What is AMC’s vision?

The AMC’s vision for the Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise is centred on responsiveness to Defence’s needs, acceleration of domestic capability, and efficient and resilient supply.

+-What role does AMC play in the GWEO Enterprise?

The AMC is an extension of the GWEO workforce and has been supporting the GWEO Group in the establishment of domestic GWEO manufacturing capabilities through various activities. As Enterprise partner, we have been supporting GWEO Group since 2022 under the Enterprise Partner Deed.

+-Who is involved in AMC?

RAN Rear Admiral (Ret’d) Lee Goddard CSC is the sole Director and CEO of the AMC. He is supported by AMC’s Senior Leadership Team and a growing workforce of industry-leading engineers, project managers, scientists, munitions experts, and commercial thinkers.

+-How large is AMC?

Since the company’s founding in 2021, we have attracted a team of leading domain experts with distinct capabilities in complex design and manufacturing of modern weapon systems, digital engineering, program management, market intelligence and industrialisation strategies.

While we are expecting to double the size of our team over 2024-25, we are very focussed on maintaining our dynamic, professional and supportive team culture.

+-Where is AMC be based?

The AMC has offices in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide. Many of our staff also work remotely from regional locations.

+-Who are AMC’s collaboration partners?

AMC has linked with more than 350 partners from within Australia and around the globe to assist in all facets required to deliver missile, guided weapons and explosive ordnance manufacturing. Our partners include state governments, academic institutions, Australian SMEs and large Australian and foreign companies. New partners are welcome and continue to join the AMC.

+-What role will Australian companies play?

Australian companies have some of the world’s best technology. As a sovereign owned and controlled entity, the AMC is focussed on lifting and sustaining the capabilities of Australian industry over the short, medium and long term. We will work with Government and our partner network to maximise Australian Industry Content.

+-Will new infrastructure be built?

The AMC will work with the enterprise’s strategic and sovereign industry partners to deliver an array of necessary infrastructure to support this program into the future.

+-What missiles will be produced?

The AMC will work closely with Defence and our strategic and sovereign industry partners to address immediate inventory priorities and future capability requirements.

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